Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Sometimes I wish I had a pen and paper with me at all times so that when things I need to process come to mind I can write them down for later. Whenever I’m sitting down to a media in which I can express myself, nothing comes. But when I’m out and about, and it’s inconvenient I always have thoughts in my mind that need a little bit more delving into. Over the past week what keeps coming to my mind is how thankful I am for my friends and family, how unworthy I am, and how great God is.  Over the past 4 weeks that I’ve been home, I have been lavished on with love and friendship.  Mars Hill and the friendships that have come from that have added so much abundance to my life, and it is solely because they continue to point me to Christ. My faith has been renewed and strengthened through their godly example. I am so thankful that when I come home we instantaneously go right back to where we left off. That is a special gift, because I’ve had the alternative and I know how hard it can be to accept friends back into your “circle” when someone has left, and the group has moved on. I am thankful it’s not this way.  God has brought me through periods of drought and plenty. You don’t realize how dry and weary the land is until you come to plush, green pastures. When I came home I realized what a state of drought my heart had been in for the past few months, and how much I continually need Jesus. Through my friends and community group Jesus has come in and watered the dry and desolate areas of my life.  I have been filled to the brim with His love, and care. I have been tenderly taken care of, gently shown areas of lacking His Spirit, and brought closer to the feet of Jesus. As I embark on the next endeavor of my life to minister to the oppressed, and brokenhearted I realize how much I need Jesus to minister to me. The only way I can love these VVF ladies is because He loved me first.  I don’t have all the answers, but I have the only one that can make a difference. And that’s Jesus. And I’m thankful for that.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing comes? Well, obviously something does . . . quite beautifully said/written. I'm so glad your visit home renewed you. And I loved seeing, hearing your stories, and talking with you.
