I absolutely could not have done it without the support of my parents, friends, and amazing supporters that believed in me enough to send me off filled with love!
So, you might be wondering what's next?
I have been accepted as a Team Leader for VVF! You know, those amazing women who have suffered such terrible tragedies yet live, laugh, and love...the one's I fell in love with. I get the wonderful honor to serve and love on these ladies again, and lead a wonderful team of special nurses to care for them. Please pray for me that God would lead me and guide me in how to be Team Leader as it is a brand new position for me. Pray that God would help me lead the nurses in a loving, Christ-centered way. For the patients, please pray:
1. God would select the exact patients he wants us to help
2. Safe travels for the ladies, and that God would provide a way to transport them all from remote areas
3. 100% physical healing of their VVF
4. Emotional and spiritual healing of the emotional wounds they've endure
5. That they would feel the love of Jesus through every interaction with the nurses, doctors, and translators.
Thanks again for supporting me through this amazing time, and allowing me the opportunity to go back for round two!!